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B2B website landing page creative brief template


Download Convey Digital`s creative brief template

Before you kick off a new B2B website landing page project, pause and write a creative brief.

Work with your team to outline a creative brief that explains the strategy behind your project, defines goals, and creates an operational plan. This brief will help: 

  • Leadership understand how your project matches their vision
  • Your team efficiently execute your operational plan and reduce rework
  • Your agency partner stay focused on your strategy and goals

Your team and agency will provide additional insights and strategic recommendations as they work through the project.

Steps to create an effective creative brief:

Step 1: Create a project summary

Provide a brief summary of your project so that stakeholders can quickly understand the intention of your project.

Example: To introduce our new feature to the market, we want to create a landing page showcasing the efficiencies that beta customers have gained from our new feature.

Step 2: Establish measurable goals

Define measurable goals for your project. After finishing the project, assess if you reached your original goals. Outline successes and improvements for the next project.

Example: Our goal is to get page views from 25% of our ICP list and complete 100 meetings to showcase and discuss our new feature.

Step 3: Identify the target audience

Define who you intend to reach with your landing page. You can provide more effective content when you focus on a specific and targeted audience.

Example: Our target audience includes CIOs, CTOs, or directors of technology at companies within our ICP list.

Step 4: Specify messaging & tone

Define what you want your target audience to learn and feel while visiting your landing page.


  • Learn: We will prove how our new feature revolutionizes the collaboration processes within IT teams. We’ll back our claims with data and testimonials.
  • Feel: We want our target audience to feel excited about the potential improvements to their processes and motivated to switch to our solution as soon as possible.

Step 5: Outline your value proposition

Define the value your audience will receive from engaging with your landing page and from using the product, service, or content promoted through the landing page.  

Answer these questions to help define your value proposition:

  1. What does your target audience value? 
  2. What does your target audience need?
  3. What challenges does your target audience face?

If your goals require action from your target audience, make sure your value proposition provides meaningful benefits, such as in-depth information, consulting time, or a trial period.

Example: We will provide value in three ways:

  1. In-depth information about our new feature
  2. Customer testimonials that speak to the value beta customers received using our new feature
  3. To book 100 meetings, we will provide our prospects with a demo of our new feature with data personalized for each prospect.

Step 6: List out the methods & channels of distribution

List the different methods you’ll use to reach your target audience. Define the purpose of each distribution channel.


Method Purpose
Go-to-market plan for sales team For the sales and account management team to use for communication with prospects
LinkedIn post ideas for sales team Gives the sales team another way to create interest in an area where their target audience is highly engaged. 
LinkedIn paid ads copy and images To increase qualified traffic to the landing page 
Email marketing campaign To increase qualified traffic to the landing page by current customers and prospects that are located within our marketing database

Step 7: List out & assign roles and responsibilities

Define each role within the project. List the responsibilities that correspond to each role. Define which members of your partner agency’s team you’d like in each role. 

Of course, a single stakeholder might fill multiple roles, and multiple team members might get assigned to the same role. For instance, two designers might work together to create the wireframe for a landing page. 


Role Responsibility
Leadership Sponsor Final approval on plan and final deliverables
Project Owner Strategy and execution of the project
Project Manager Project timeline and communication standards
Strategist Marketing research and implementation strategy
Creative Copywriter Production of copy for the various methods & channels of distribution
Creative Design Lead Production of design assets for the various methods & channels of distribution
Webpage Copywriter Production of content for web page(s)
Webpage Design Lead Wireframing and design of web page(s)
Development Lead Web development of the web page(s)
Social Media Execution and analysis of social media promotion
SEO Research, implementation, and analysis of search engine optimization activities
Paid Advertising Research, implementation, and analysis of paid advertising activities

Step 9: Create a rough budget

At this point, we recommend estimating the amount of time you think each component of the project would take. 

Defining a budget will allow you to set expectations with your agency vendor and ensure they know how to approach this project.

If you plan on using any paid services for your project, such as paid advertising, define your intended budget range for each service.

From there, you can refine your budget accordingly. 


  1. We estimate landing page design and development will cost $4,000 - $8,000.
  2. We estimate LinkedIn paid ads will cost between $5,000 - $8,000. 

Step 10: Define an ideal delivery date

As with the budget step, you need to collect more information from the project’s stakeholders before you can put together a reasonable timeline. 

Once each stakeholder (including your agency vendor) knows your expectations around timing, they can work your project into their schedules. 

Example: We want to launch this project by the end of Q2, three weeks before our new feature's release. 

Want to discuss your B2B landing page strategy with us?

If you want to take your landing pages from “good” to “great,” we’re available for a quick brainstorming session to discuss your operational marketing plan. 

And if you’re looking for support from a B2B-focused digital agency, we can help. 

Contact us directly to get the conversation started.