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What is anonymous website visitor tracking?

“Anonymous website visitor tracking” refers to the process of “unmasking” website visitors and then analyzing their behavior. 

By “unmasking” visitors, sales and marketing teams discover which companies visit their websites via reverse IP address lookup. 

Sales and marketing teams use company names to gather firmographic intelligence. And they can utilize firmographic intelligence in conjunction with data on visitors’ website interactions to assist in an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy.

Using data from anonymous website visitor tracking

Data gathered from anonymous website visitor tracking can be used in a number of different ABM efforts including creating a purchase intent score and website personalization. 

Oftentimes, companies will not fill out a sales inquiry form; however, they might still show indications of purchase intent. 

Sales and marketing teams can identify which companies show purchase intent indications by analyzing the type of marketing website content a visitor views and the frequency of the visits. 

Benefits of anonymous website visitor tracking for marketing

In an ABM strategy, marketing teams need to limit their marketing focus to a defined list of accounts. Anonymous website visitor tracking enables marketing teams to view the results of their ABM strategy on an account-based level. 

Marketing teams can use this additional ABM purchase intent data to build a more accurate prospect profile when passing off a nurtured lead to sales. Because of this, marketing teams will increase their accuracy in measuring the return on investment for their ABM strategies.

Benefits of anonymous website visitor tracking for sales

With anonymous website visitor tracking, sales teams can leverage purchase intent intelligence in several ways. 

Inbound sales teams can strategically “reach out” to leads when companies show purchase intent by visiting a company’s website. Outbound sales teams benefit from the improved ability to report on sales efforts. 

Sales can also use “unmasked” traffic data to show the impact of their day-to-day activities. For example, if the sales team has an in-person meeting with a prospect, the sales team can monitor any activity from this prospect going forward. 

Account management teams can uncover opportunities to cross-sell or upsell by leveraging the purchase intent intelligence of existing clients.

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